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Join the MERITO Foundation as we host the 2025 Earth Day Festival in downtown Ventura in collaboration with the City of Ventura Sustainability Division! We invite families, friends, and all community members to join us for a day filled with learning opportunities, delicious food from local vendors, booths with sustainably sourced and produced goods, interactive games, diverse live music and performances, electric vehicle showcase, and a celebration of our Blue Planet, Earth!

Event Date & Time
Saturday, April 19th, 2025
11 am - 4 pm
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Feel free to bring a chair or blanket to sit!
To learn more on our 2025 Earth Day event, please visit our website: MERITO Earth Day
As of July, 2024
Educators Trained
Students sponsored education trips to Channel Islands
4th-12th grade students immersed in ocean and climate education
Hands on conservation, recreation and/or citizen science field experiences
Project proposals authored by students to reduce their school carbon footprint
Disbursed as cash and in kind prizes to students authors of best projects
Sponsored the greening of 10 school campuses
Informed adults on clean and renewable energy options in Ventura County
Our Vision / Nuestra Visión
Our vision is a healthy ocean cared by diverse coastal communities who live in an environmentally responsible manner regardless of native language, economic status, cultural beliefs, or ethnic background because we all share one ocean.
Nuestra visión es un océano saludable cuidado por diversas comunidades costeras que viven de manera responsable con el medio ambiente, sin importar el idioma nativo, el estado económico, las creencias culturales o el origen étnico, porque todos compartimos un mismo océano.
Our Mission / Nuestra Misión
To protect the ocean by engaging multicultural youth and their communities in transformative experiences in environmental education, scientific research, outdoor recreation, marine conservation & entrepreneurship.
Nuestra misión es proteger el océano al proveer experiencias transformativas en educación ambiental, conservación marina, recreación al aire libre, y emprendimiento verde y sostenible a jóvenes multiculturales, y a tráves de ellos, a sus comunidades.
How We Do It
Ocean and Climate Education Programs
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